Thursday, January 15, 2009

The question isn't "Has God given up on us?" But rather, "Have we given up on God?"

Everywhere you look people are talking about how 2009 has the potential of being one of America's scariest years. With the economy in crises, and all these "changes" headed our way; it's hard not to wonder whether or not they'll be good changes. Especially from a Christian point of view-Everything we know could soon be no more..

But in reality, is there anyone to blame but ourselves? Have we not brought this upon ourselves by sitting back quietly and comfortably for too long? Are we finally ready to stand up and move forward no matter what the cost, shining the light of Jesus?

I am. [oh how i am.] I am so sick of being on fire for God for about a week, and then letting it die. I'm so sick of seeing my country walk away from God because I've been too lazy to stand up and speak the truth. This time, I'm going to stand up.

I challenge all of us to make the decision to do hard things for God everyday. To pray because we know God is listening, and that prayer moves His heart. To live everyday as if its the last one. To never, ever, let a chance to talk about Jesus go by unused. To love those around me with God's unselfish love. To not blend in with our frightened neighbors; but to tell them about the God who can take away their fears..

It is time to stop watching from our comfortable pews. It's time to start standing up for Christ, and doing what He's called us to do.
Everyone knows that time is short and uncertain. So I'm challenging you, and more so myself, to live every second for God. Completely for God.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellence of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." ~1 Peter 2:9

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