Monday, January 5, 2009

And it begins!

Well this is the start of my blogging life. I'm really not good at this kind of thing, so I hope you all can bare with me. ;)

So I'll pretty much give you a quick background on your writer. I'm just a girl trying to live every day for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (Yes, I'm one of those Jesus Freaks :) But Christianity is not what many assume it is. I am not a religious person. I am someone who figured out that Jesus loves me more than anything. (Yeah, the same God who created this whole hugee universe, loves me. He loves you too.)

Another thing that is super important in my life is music. :) I play guitar and a little piano. I have an acoustic and an electric guitar. And if you asked my friends, I would be the weird girl who names her guitars. The electric is Ella, and the acoustic is Edward. ;) I think of music as one of the most incredible things God created. And I hope to honor Him with music, throughout my whole life.

I also have some pretty amazing friends (some of which convinced me to do this whole crazy thing. tehe ;) and I'm really grateful for all of them!

I'm not too sure what this blog is going to contain, but I hope that you will be encouraged by what God shows me. I'm actually kind of glad for this whole idea, because I am really excited for this new year. I think, no, I know, God is going to do some incredible stuff in 2009. And it'll be super for me to share it with whomever decides to read. :)


  1. Good start budd! you're the writer here so you'll be typing laps around me before long! (:

  2. Hey there! Glad you decided to start blogging :) Maybe I will again too. Haha, remember our old blogs?
