Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America

When i think of my country and the things that we've known
I'm humbled and blessed by my beautiful home.
But where did it come from, how did it start?
It started from with tears, and it broke many hearts.
We all came from different places but fled from the same
the same lies and the ties that drove us insane.
Our forefathers knew, straight from the start
without Almighty God, this country would halt.
So they put Him first and let Him decide
how we would live, and what laws should abide.
We faced many struggles and more sacrifices
as our men stood and fell from the enemies devices.
In the end we lost many battles, but we won the war
and this gave the freedom all hungered for.
And I know the reason we won, it's right at the core
the people back then knew what they fought for.
They fought for what's right, honest, and true
they stood up and screamed till England turned blue.
I wish I had been there when things were so clear
we saw evil as evil and didn't want it here.
So take time to remember, oh, please don't forget
that this Country was once pure and legit.
We didn't like evil, we strove for what's right
now with prayer as our weapon, let's continue to fight.
God Bless America.

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