~The sun rests gently on the horizion, sending a orange and pink glow all across the sky. I feel the breeze on my face and I simply breathe. The Presence I long for is drawing closer; though It's always around, I can't always feel it. I feel tired, blessed, hesitant, and excited. But this Presence is the thing I need. it brings the beauty and it holds my heart~
So I can hardly believe that summer is over. So much happened, when I try to think over it all I easily get overwhelmed. I feel like I've learned a lot. And I've been so blessed. :) This past week especially so (only "especially so" because it's fresh in my mind). It was my church's VBS and I taught a station called "Service Showcase". I love Vacation Bible School so much. It's so extremely tiring, but I adore it. I love the kids, I love being goofy, I love giving prizes, and I simply love watching kids learn about and worship Jesus. It really makes my heart soar!
A lot has changed this summer as well. I feel like I'm entering into a whole new life. haha, which I am in a way. I'm skeptical, only because I am not good with change. But I'm trying my hardest to trust Jesus and let Him get me through. That's another thing I'll really treasure from this summer. This summer I feel like I've been re-introduced to Jesus in a way. Before my faith had grown stale. I was basically going through the motions because it's all I've ever known. But after Delta this summer I get excited just when I think of Jesus' name. I can't even explain it. I'm trying harder to put Him first, and I'm seeing the difference in my life. I know it's so hard to get out of a rut in your Christian life, no matter what it is. Especially if it's the rut of apathy. But once you break that it's incredible. I pray I'll continue to grow in this direction. And as I go into this next school year, and the beginning of many things, I'm working on trusting God. Trusting Him to hold me, use me, grow me, and provide for me. Which I know He will.