Thursday, June 4, 2009


My God's enough
to heal the broken.
Though life is tough
He'll see you through.
Don't close your eyes
He's holding you.
you're in paradise.

When the words don't come, it's okay to be quiet. Just listen, don't turn and run. He is here with you

My God's enough
to heal the broken.
Though life is tough
He'll see you through.
Don't close your eyes
He's holding you.
you're in paradise.

When life is hard. His hands are soft. Just run to him, into His arms. He knows your problems. And He'll make a way. He'll be there for you.

My God's enough
to heal the broken.
Though life is tough
He'll see you through.
Don't close your eyes
He's hold you.
you're in paradise.